Fri, Oct 26 '18, 17:39
Can't get the tag copying scripts to work
So I'm having trouble getting the scripts to work. Can anyone help?
Fri, Oct 26 '18, 23:35
check the headers for them. if the url is http instead of https for, you'll need to update it to be https. and even that didn't fix the augmentation script.

also the mass editor script and the danbooru tags script don't work at the same time since both are modifying the same part of the page or something.

if you're having trouble installing, tampermonkey gives people trouble outside of google chrome, and lately I've been having trouble regardless of browser. I'd look at finding a different userscript addon.
Sat, Oct 27 '18, 15:19
I got it working by just replacing the http with https. Thanks for the help!

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