Sun, Sep 09 '18, 20:30
URL changed to https
Looks like booru.org switched over to https recently. The main thing that this affects is the userscripts that are using the old http url for determining what pages to run the script on.

You can fix it yourself pretty easily. If you see a line at the top of the script that looks like
// @match http://censored.booru.org/index.php?page=post*
// @include http://*.booru.org/index.php*

you just need to adjust to the new url
// @match https://censored.booru.org/index.php?page=post*
// @include https://*.booru.org/index.php*

The only place this didn't work for me is the Augmentation script. It likely has other places that use the old url, but I haven't found them. The developer will hopefully release a new version to his github.

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